Koester Red Angus
Our vision for the future...
Rooted in heritage and stewardship while
envisioning tomorrow.
We look beyond the current season and market,
seeking fresh genetics that will add value to our
customers’ calves and cowherd for generations into
the future. We know – and accept the responsibility
– that our decisions today impact the livelihood of
the cattlemen that trust our genetics.
All of our registered Red Angus Cows and heifers
calve in August and September on pasture, where
we weigh and tag daily. We also udder and
disposition score each dam as she calves. All of our
cows are DNA tested and display genomically
enhanced EPDs which predicts their potential to the
highest level possible.
In early November, we synchronize, AI and sort into
breeding groups for a 45-day breeding season.
Matings are done which enhance our customers’
profitability to the best of our ability.
We wean calves in March and collect DNA samples
for GGP testing. We also weigh and body condition
score the cows as well as record her foot scores.
The heifers are summered on pasture with only
protein block supplements. We run the bulls on
grass as well with just enough supplement to
maintain their development and prepare them for
yearling carcass and data collection. They are not
put on a feed test.
The Sale Bulls come into the lot in late August
where we develop them as long yearlings for the
sale in March, held in conjunction with Leland Red
Angus at their ranch near Sidney, Montana. In
addition to genomically enhanced EPDs on the Sale
Bulls, we continually monitor performance, feet and
disposition, culling accordingly until only the highest
profitability bulls are maintained for sale.
We welcome guests to visit our family operation
during any season or phase of production.
Friday, March 14, 2025
1 p.m. MT
in conjunction with
Leland Red Angus
at the ranch near
Sidney, Montana.
2025 Sale Brochure
2025 Sale Catalog
Koester fall bulls are
available for viewing at
our ranch near
Steele, North Dakota,
until Tuesday of sale
week when we haul
them to Lelands’ ranch.
Koester Red Angus
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